الجمعة، 17 سبتمبر 2010

Auto shutdown

It is known that the browser Firefox is one of the most Internet browsers, is now a popular and wide and constantly growing library because of the huge additions of its own, which enables us to do almost everything via a browser.Sometimes we have to download a file from the Internet, and we have at the same time to get out of the performance of a work, and therefore to go back have been wasted large amounts of electricity as a result of the survival of computer workers after the completion of the download, this has one of the developers programmed a simple addition of the Add-ons you close the device after a certain period specified by the user, so you will not be forced to leave the installation of add-on computer work unnecessarily.

Add-on called the Auto Shutdown, which currently does not work only on the add-on Windows systems. And can be downloaded by following the

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